Gray McNeeley

Hometown: Ogden, Utah

Gray is a former collegiate athlete and martial artist who turned to Yoga to heal from injuries that came with 25+ years of athletics. Practicing Yoga since 2009 the athletic background and study of kinesiology/movement allows him to bridge the gaps the between the healing benefits of Yoga and the power of better movement.

Who/what influences your teaching and practice currently?

My practice is influenced by modern Yoga styles, end range conditioning, dance, athletics and biomechanics. Once the body feels good moving the mind feels good resting in stillness.

How do you apply yoga practice to your every day life?

Yoga is applied to my daily life in that all the things that can happen on the mat are microcosms for bigger things. To help me to breathe through challenges or simply see it all as one big practice. To understand that there is no wrong way to feel or to practice. To experience things as they are and let them go. To feel good to just be.

What is a fun fact about you?

My cousin convinced me all cats were girls. I believed that for way too long.

What can students expect from your class?

Come see for yourself!

All levels are welcome.