The Why

Throughout the changing seasons of life, we have come to believe more than ever in the power of community and our desire to gather together. The very human need for connection, interaction, support and love is essential. And that is the heart of Blue Mango Yoga - bringing the community together and providing a safe space to practice always. 

A space to move; a space to feel. A space to show up for yourself and each other. A space to laugh, cry, celebrate, heal, thrive, learn and have fun - to be exactly what it needs to be for you- exactly as you are. A space that is inspirational to both our students and teachers to grow and evolve together. An opportunity for everyone to express themselves fully in their practice and teachings. 

We want to know you. We want you to connect with us as teachers, as peers, as community members. We hope that Blue Mango becomes a second home where you find a true sense of belonging through movement practice and the sacred teachings of yoga. 

We look forward to sharing the magic of intentional breath, asana and the extraordinary vibration of mantra with you all on and off the mat. 

Love -

Tiffany & the Blue Mango Family