Kylie Cole

Hometown: Ketchum/ Sun Valley Idaho

Kylie has 30 years of experience in yoga.  Her original background is in Iyengar & Ashtanga Yoga.  She was certified with Patricia Walden in Pre-Natal / therapeutic yoga in 1997.  She is a trained bodyworker and often incorporates chi gong into her practice.  

Who/what influences your teaching and practice currently?

My current practice is influenced by basic alignment principles and Kriya practice (breath work + Movement). 

How do you apply yoga practice to your every day life?

I apply yoga to my life with a daily practice each morning & evening (evening practice includes my kids) and incorporates into my work out routine at the gym.

What is a fun fact about you?

I was a dancer & competitive ice skater and was raised in the snow, on skis and a snowboard.

What can students expect from your class?

Students can expect to have a relaxing, refreshing & self reflective experience in my classes.  People often leave feeling resourced, clear and confident.  

All levels are welcome.